Maxi St. Felix

Maxi St. Felix


Maxi St. Felix was born in Aquin, Haiti. He began to study art at the age of 19 under his cousin Ludovic Booz who is a well-known sculptor and painter in Haiti. In 1969, St. Felix entered the Haitian Academy where he began his formal art training. He also studied at the Lope de Vega Institute, where he excelled as a sculptor. After five years of study, he opened his studio in Port-au-Prince.

(Medgar Evers College. (19–). The Medgar Evers College art collection. Brooklyn, NY: MEC)

Maxi St. Felix, a student and distant cousin of Mr. Booz’s, displays a number of well-conceived and executed wood carvings. In all of his art, Mr. St. Felix brings an uncanny sense of pride and honesty to his characteristic Haitian style. In ”Birds” (1982) in particular, he conveys a fresh approach, which mixes some of the expressive tendencies of African art, with the spatial and tensional concerns of the early Modernists. (Source)

3 thoughts on “Maxi St. Felix

  • October 19, 2021 at 9:56 pm

    I recently came across a gorgeous 3’ tall carving with two heads on coiled bodies signed “M St. Felix Haiti ‘81” and I had to have it- I can’t seem to find any more information on this artist other than (likely) the individual you wrote about, do you happen to know where I could learn more about him? I really appreciate your write up! Thank you

    • October 20, 2021 at 1:05 pm

      Thank you for your comment. We do not have any additional information about Maxi St. Felix

  • November 20, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    Maxi St Félix is a great Haitian sculptor. He resides in Haiti. The artist loves the southern peninsula. Sculpture is his passion. I am proud to call him uncle. He has made of me a big fan of art in general.


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